Monday, April 28, 2014

Mind Fucked: A Quick Glimpse at my Favourite Films

This is your brain on Fuck.

     Over the years I have given up on horror films. No matter the film within that genre, I just could not get immersed enough to feel the suspense, the fear, the horror of what is being shown before me. From Insidious to The Conjuring and V/H/S/... I just could not care less for them because I felt cheated out of actual fun.

     In their place though I have started picking up a lot more films with great mindfucks. What's a mindfuck you ask? Simple: Something so shocking and warped you just can't help but feel like the director's Imaginative and clever dick is just plowing through your brain. Films where you feel like you know what the ending will be, but in the end you were more wrong than David Irving.

     I feel like three movies in my catalogue fits this beautiful genre very well. The Prestige, Triangle, and Primer have made their way to my top fifty favourite films of all time. Each one, even with the knowledge of their respective mindfucks, is still a god damn blast to sit through.

     The Prestige has always been my favourite Nolan film. With my borderline homolove for Christian Bale and the absolutely brilliant casting of David Fuckin' Bowie as Nikola Fucking Tesla, hands down the most badass inventor to wield the power of Thor in written history, the Prestige had everything for me from the getgo in terms of the cast.

Oh hello, I'm David Tesla.

   The story itself was amazing and my love for magic helped appreciate the whole damn presentation. Now if you've seen the movie, which I really hoped you have otherwise you're spoiling yourself with the following few words, you might remember how awesome it was watching Hugh Jackman's descent into madness as he tries to one-up Bale with his magic acts. Then when both Bale's and Jackman's magic acts are revealed, you can't help but feel your brain yell "What the fuck?!"

What the fuck?! It's Alfred!

     Granted, as much as I love The Prestige, it was a very simple mind fuck. Practically straight forward mind fuck as you enter the final act of that movie. It's bam, in your face. A big LOOK! PREPARE TO YELL HOLY SHIT! But it's still fuckin' amazing.

Go watch Triangle.

     Now Triangle is a movie I -=HIGHLY=- recommend. I also -=HIGHLY=- recommend not watching any trailers or read any reviews for this movie as it's way better going in blind. This was a film I randomly decied to watch one day on Netflix and it ended up becomming one of my favourite films of all time. To the point where I make damn sure I watch it each year for my Halloween Horror Film Month. Triangle and Trick 'r Treat will forever be in that playlist.

     What made Triangle an absolute hell of a ride was just how unexplained everything is. Movie starts and already you can't help but feel a little unnerved by the presentation. Something is wrong and more bad shit is coming your way. As Jess' mind fractures under the pressure of the mindfuck she and her friends stepped in, it's almost a guilty pleasure seeing how everything unravels and watching her do anything possible to return to a normal life. I'm almost sorry for being vague about this movie, but I honestly feel like it's just one that should not be spoiled. Seriously, go fucking watch it and enjoy that smooth mindfuck wrinkle your brain.

Seriously, go watch Triangle.

     The final film that fills this trilogy of serious mindfucks has to be Primer. No doubt about it, Primer is one weird mind fuck of a film. Congragu-fuckin'-lations to you mister smarty pants if you figured out this movie in one sitting. I was unfortunate in this manner and had to watch it multiple times to grasp everything within it, but truth be told I was perfectly fine with that.

I would go back and kill Lord Voldemort when he was a child.

     Now I wouldn't say Primer is a -fun- movie to rewatch. I will say, however, it's a damn interesting one to do so. There's so many damn nuances with each viewing that helps paint the bigger picture of what Aaron and his friends did as they fucked with the laws of time and space.

     With it's low-budget and seriously odd pacing, Primer had always been a weird one for me to recommend to people. But as time goes by and the more and more I think of this wonderful movie, I can't help but wonder how the mindfuck affected my friend's brains. Listening to the theories on how everything fell together and/or apart is part of the charm to Primer, and the entire time you can't figure out if the movie is fucking smarter than you or more pretentious than you first imagined. Regardless of the reasoning, I'm compelled to say Primer is one of my quintessential films bathed in mindfuckery.

     Now whether or not you agree with me on any of these points is like, your own opinions man. But for me, I continue to find these suspenseful and somtimes confusing films too damn fun to pass up on. If you got any more films you find to be massive mindfucks, feel free to shoot me a message and I'll watch them.

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