Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Wolf of Wall Street (Goodfellas: Part 2).

That's right kids Martin Scorsese did it again!!!!! He made a long ass movie with the word "fuck" about a bahgillion times. 

"HOORAY!" he said with sad derision.

Let me roll back and explain.
The gist of it.
Guy is poor. Guy grows up. Guy realizes money is awesome to have, so naturally more of it would be awesomer... awesomer? (YEA ENGLISH!) Guy does illegal things to make more money. Guy does drugs and gets busted by the F.B.I.
That's that. Joe Pesci gets pissed off and kills people. Robert De Niro makes an angry face and Ray Liota does drugs.  Yup 148 minutes of that.
Don't get it twisted my homies. I love Goodfellas. AMAZING movie. I grew up watching gangster films and that movie beats the shit out of Scareface any day of the weak. But that really is the entire plot of that movie. And it's based on the actually person Liota plays, Henry Hill.
So, how did I get that out of Wolf of Wall Street? Glad you asked.
The Wolf of Wall Street.
Guy is poor-ish. Guy grows up. Guy realizes money is awesome, so more, gooder. Guy does illegal stuff and junk. Guy does drugs, gets busted by the F. B. (fucking) I.
No shit. that's the plot. Weird right?
Well there yeah go and it's 180 minutes long... Guess Martin had a bit more to say.

Look if this was The Departed, someone would die and not of a heart attack, which is how the only person to die in the movie dies, and not even on screen.
If this was Hugo, no one would care. Hated that movie. My twelve year old nephew hated it and he was nine when it came out.
Now let's talk about the acting.
AMAZING! Leo GREAT! Jonah BRILLIANT!! Those other people in the movie that I can't recall by name. WONDERFUL!
I am not bagging on the exicution of this film at all. I loved the cinimatography, the editing, the acting, the directing, but the story has been done and by Martin Scorsese. I find that very sad and boring and the whole time I was watching the movie, I just kept thinking about "Now go get your fucking shine box."
Why did this movie get so many nominations for so many awards? Because of Mr. Scorsese I presume. He is awesome and people love his movies and he can do the same things over again and people still love it.
If he would have just given this story and script to someone else it still would have been a good flick, but I would have said out loud to the TV like I did "This is just Goodfellas part 2."

3/5 just so so.

been there done that. 


  1. Yeah the story is just so-so you're right. We've seen rich, crazy assholes before but goddamn every performance was fantastic!! I was laughing so damn hard when he had to make his way to the car after those olds ludes kicked in...

  2. That was the best Jared! Then you get to see what really happened! Jonah made this movie for me. I also liked the dealer guy from the Walking Dead TV show. But you hit that shit dead on c.a. b!

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mn49DiI9Gag
